Eating Disorders Therapy

Eating Disorders Therapy | Austin, TX

Eating Disorders are serious illnesses that often escalate to the point of being a life-threatening condition. Anyone overly concerned with dieting, exercise, or exhibiting extreme thoughts and/or behaviors around nutrition and fitness should not be dismissed as being cool or engaging in a fad. It is not healthy to induce vomiting after eating to lose weight or to always be thinking and talking about body image. Children and adults who exhibit these behaviors are putting their lives at risk. Please review the descriptions of eating disorders below to help you understand more about each disorder and the appropriate road to recovery such as Eating Disorders Therapy and Counseling in Austin.

The Road to Recovery | Counseling Austin

Lifestyle CoachingRecovery from eating disorders requires more than simply giving up starvation tactics, stuffing, purging or compulsive exercising. It means learning to understand yourself better and replacing old ways of functioning with new and more effective methods of getting what you want and need. In fact, you won’t be able to give up disordered behaviors until you find healthier ways of thinking and taking care of yourself, such as:

  • Never let yourself get so hungry that you are tempted to binge. The best way to avoid a binge is to eat something every three to four hours.
  • Protein and a healthy fat must be a part of each meal and snack. When you feel uncomfortable, take a few minutes to discover what is causing the discomfort. Allow yourself to think about what you discover. Plan what you need to do to soothe yourself.
  • Until you make some progress, avoid situations that trigger unhealthy behavior. When you feel stronger, plan new ways to deal with triggers that won’t limit or isolate you.
  • Find a satisfying way to feel self-reliant and proud of your contribution to your family, friends, associates and community.
  • Spend time every day with friends or family in person or on the phone.
  • Everyday do something of quality about which you can be proud.
  • Realize that everything you do is a choice. Replace “I should” and “I must” with “I want to” and “I choose to.”
  • Schedule an activity every day for fun, for something you want to do and can look forward to doing. Fun is a great way to release tension and frustration. It’s also an antidote for depression.
  • Talk things over with a trusted resource person—a parent, friend, pastor, school counselor, physician or mental health counselor.

Eating Disorders Self-Test

Answer True or False for the following statements. Keep a record of your answers on a sheet of paper.

  • Even though people tell me I’m thin, I feel fat.
  • I get anxious if I can’t exercise.
  • I worry about what I will eat.
  • If I gain weight, I get anxious and depressed.
  • I feel guilty when I eat.
  • I get anxious when people watch me eat.
  • I would rather die than be fat.
  • I would rather eat by myself than with family or friends.
  • I don’t talk much about my fear of being fat because no one understands how I feel.
  • I have a secret stash of food that is predominately high in simple sugar.
  • I lie about what, when, and how much I eat.
  • I get anxious, irritable and sometimes angry when people urge me to eat.
  • I won’t admit it to anyone, but sometimes I think that my eating or exercising is not normal.
  • I sometimes wish I were not here.

Add up your answers:

  • 1 to 3 answers marked True indicates some preoccupation with weight and appearance. Reevaluate your thinking and behavior.
  • 4 to 6 answers marked True is reason for concern. Please check with your doctor and a counselor.
  • 7 or more marked True indicates that you are in danger. Please make an appointment right now with your doctor and our eating disorders office in Austin for a thorough assessment and evaluation.

 For Your Austin Counseling Convenience

For more information, please call (512) 306-9992, or send an email to All inquiries are held in strict confidence. Please understand that no counseling will be provided via the Internet or e-mail. Working with you in person is the best way to help you achieve your goals.

Daytime and selected early-evening sessions are available, Tuesday through Thursday 10:00am to 6:30pm. You may choose from three types of sessions: individual, couples, and family. Please feel free to ask about other possibilities to fit your lifestyle and needs.

Ann McIntosh, MA, LCSW, Counseling and Psychotherapy

4407 Bee Cave Road
Building 5, Suite 513
Austin, Texas 78746


Video produced by Michael Quick of QuickOne Media Ann McIntosh is also listed on the following Web site directories: Psychology Today | | Eating Disorder Referral and Information Service